After graduating from Brown University, Jean began her career in elementary education but quickly moved into the field of psychology.  Jean obtained her doctorate in psychology from New York University and has worked, as a California-state licensed psychologist, with adults and children in clinic, hospital and school settings. In 2009, Jean was called into vocational ministry while helping to launch a church plant in Modesto. Jean is Ordained to Word and Sacrament in the ECC and completed her Masters of Divinity at Fuller Seminary. Jean served the PSWC for nine years as the Director of Ministerial Health, and now serves pastors as a spiritual director and Director of Rooted.Growing.Resilient. TM . Jean works to grow a culture of health in ministry -- developing resources to invest in leaders and strengthen church systems, overseeing care for clergy and ministry spouses, and supporting churches through crises, conflicts and transition.   Jean is passionate about seeing people discover God, be made whole and come alive in Christ.  Jean has been married for 26 years to Michael and is mother to two young adult children, one teenager and a really big Great Dane.