Immigration Resources
Love Mercy Do Justice 2025
When God spoke through the Deuteronomic and Levitical texts, giving the Isrealites directives for living a holy and honorable life, God included instructions on how to care for the vulnerable. among them. These statutes reminded them of their immigrant status in Egypt that compelled them to love and respect the strangers among them. We anticipate that the presidential transition will unleash warranted fear of family separation and mass deportations. How is the God who invites us to welcome the stranger calling the church to respond to this chaos? Love Mercy Do Justice proposes a response that invites our churches to offer welcome and hospitality to our immigrant neighbors. This webpage is a consolidation of resources to help churches offer welcome in their unique contexts.
Recently Curated Resources
Immigration Legal Service Centers
Immigration Legal Service Centers
Open Door Immigration Services
Salem, MA was developed out of an East Coast conference Highrock church in partnership with Love Mercy Do Justice
CHET: Hispanic Center for Theological Studies
·A Task Force on Immigration Legal Connections
o The task force is dedicated to connecting churches with pro bono and reputable private legal service providers. Church leaders and their congregants will be provided general information on immigration and referrals to legal service providers. For inquiries, please email
o CHET is offering a Certificate in Immigration Ministry and Advocacy, an 8-week course where students will receive the in-depth training needed to support and advocate for immigrant communities effectively. For more information, please email
Immigrant Connection
Guide churches through the process of starting Immigration Legal Service Centers in their church
They also have a toolkit for helping churches offer welcome to immigrants
LMDJ will provide grants for churches who want to start an Immigration Legal Service Center through Immigrant Connection
Planning & Preparedness Resources
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Know Your Rights
Know Your Rights
What to do if your loved one is detained
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
· This toolkit is aimed at providing an advocate with tools to stand in solidarity with the immigrant community by being a conduit of valuable Know Your Rights information.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
G92 Student Movement
Evangelical Immigration Table
LMDJ Immersive Experience
June 6-9th
San Diego/Tijuana
A Migrant Journey: Scripture’s Call to Welcome the Stranger Immigration Immersive Discipleship Experience at the southern Tijuana/San Diego U.S. border
Immigrant stories in the Covenant
· Tim Hawkinson, Renew Covenant Church, Carroll, Iowa. Historical and theological perspective of pioneering Swedish immigrants chartering what would become the Evangelical Covenant Church.
Sneha Augusthy tells the immigration story of she and her mother from India and how that story is weaved through several Covenant churches
Phil Anderson (retired North Park Theological Seminary professor) and Danny Martinez (Central Conference Superintendent), LovtheCov podcast episode
·”Grateful for the Journey from Dreamer to Advocate”
Milly Silencio, licensed Covenant clergy
How a church stewarded what it was entrusted with to create a welcoming space for refugees
Suggested books for further education
· Soerens, Matthew, and Jenny Hwang Yang. Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion & Truth in the Immigration Debate. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2018
· González, Karen. The God Who Sees: Immigrants, the Bible, and the Journey to Belong. Harvey, ND: Herald Press, 2019
· Wu, Cindy. A Better Country: Embracing the Refugees in Our Midst. Littleton, CO: William Carey Library Pub, 2022
· González, Karen. Beyond Welcome: Centering Immigrants in Our Christian Response to Immigration
· Carroll R., Daniel. Christians at the Border: Immigration, The Church & The Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2013
· Hanson Bourke, Dale. Immigration: Tough Questions, Direct Answers. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2014
Digital resources for further study
· Sojourners in a Strange Land: Looking to the Bible to inform our conversation about immigration. Reprinted from the Covenant Companion.
· Evangelical Views on Immigration (A study sponsored by the Evangelical Immigration Table and World Relief)
Video resources
Podcast resources
Liturgical congregational resources
“Litany for Dreamers”
Make an impact today
If you or your church is interested in funding the development of Immigration Legal Service Centers through Covenant churches please